Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Big Day

   Today is a big day. Today is the day our little girl turns one. One year; 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. It went incredibly fast! It's been quite the ride, and not without its challenging days, but oh so worth it! A year ago I wasn't sure I would ever want to go through it all again, but praise be to our Creator, who made us with the unique ability to "forget", I changed my mind. This little munchkin has brought us so much joy andtaught us many things about what's important in life. 
   Being a mommy was one of my biggest dreams ever since I can remember. It's not totally like I imagined it would be; it's better. I just LOVE being a mommy, and I just adore my little girl.
  Since our plans to leave last week fell through we were able to throw a little party for the little princess. It was such fun to have some family over to celebrate her life with us. Due to the hurry I'm in to get this posted quickly before leaving, I am only attaching a few photos, and trying to keep this short.  

 Cake pops made by my sister Gloria were favors. The little girl actually liked those better than the cake I made for her
 The little girl cousins and aunt that were so excited to celebrate with us
 cupcake cake that I made. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but I still thought it was cute.
The cake was not a hit at all. She did not appreciate the texture of the icing and didn't like when we stuck her hands into it. She cried when we all laughed at her.. But she soon got over it, and enjoyed eating it from small pieces from her highchair tray.
This puppy was a last min addition to her gift from us. The hubby found it while in town and picked it up. It was the first thing she opened, and she was so tickled with it. She didn't even care about the rest of the presents. She had ahold it all evening. Such a good lesson for us to be satisfied with the small things.. it was so cute to see how delighted she was with such a small gift.

   Today is a big day for two reasons. Today we go on our long anticipated mission trip. Our little girl has the privilege not many other little girls have: to fly to a foreign country on the day she turns one. The bags are packed, and we're ready to head out in an hour or so. Please continue to pray for us! A song I remember from when I was younger ran through my mind today, and it was just what I needed. Not sure what the title is, or if I have all the words right, but this is what I remember.

 Long years ago when Esther was to go before the king
her heart was filled with fear for what the task might bring.
Her uncle said this is a chance you cannot bear to miss;
you have been called for such a time as this.

  For you are called to the Kingdom for such a time as this
  God has designed that you be where you are.
  Just touch the scepter held out to let you know
  You have the call, and with it strength to go.
 Now God is searching for someone who will give to Him their all
 He's waiting for the chosen few to head His earnest call
 If you will hear His voice whisper softly in your ear
 Just lay aside your doubt, your worry and your fear.

  For you are called to the Kingdom for such a time as this
  God has designed that you be where you are.
  Just touch the scepter held out to let you know
  You have the call, and with it strength to go.
   Maybe you don't feel like you're doing much for God right now where you are, but you are where He needs you. He placed you where you are, and He will give you the strength to carry out His tasks, no matter how great or small, no matter where you are on the globe.
  Taking this song with me as we go today...
Blessings to all!