Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Change of plans

    The last few days have been a bit hectic around here.. with packing, last minute tasks to finish, and trying to be sure that we have remembered all the important things to take along. And hoping that our visas make it in time. We sent them out 2 weeks ago, which should have been plenty of time, but due to some complications, the process was delayed a week. We got worried when on Monday evening they still had not shipped out, and yesterday was a bit stressful as we checked the fed ex website every so often hoping it had been sent out. But by evening we still had no news. Dad has had experience with visas coming late, and was able to give us some advice. To make a long story short, we finally got ahold of the embassy this morning, only to find out that they only began working on them last Wednesday. They had off on Thursday and Friday last week, and would not have them ready to send off until the end of this week or the first of next. Sigh. So we had to do the dreaded thing: Cancel our flight for this evening and re-book for next week. I was relieved to finally know what was going to happen after having it all hang there for a few days, yet it has been quite a disappointment. Now to switch gears and face some unpacking and re-packing, scrounging around to get some food in the house again, and no motivation. After a few hours of processing it, we do feel at peace and are relieved to know that our visas will be here in time for our flight next Saturday. Next Saturday- our little girl's first birthday. Not at all the way I hoped to be spending her first birthday, packing up and heading out of the country. This all has been such a good reminder for me that God really does still have everything under control, and He will work it all out for His glory. So many people across the world are facing changes of plans in their lives today too, only wishing it would be as small a glitch as a visa, instead of the death of a loved one. When thinking of it all in that light, this delay of our trip seems so small. We have so much to be thankful for! We know there is a reason deeper than we can see for the change of our plans.. for "all things work together for GOOD to them that love God..." (Rom 8:8) 
   The day was made brighter for me by a phone call from a dear friend who is currently in Romania! :) Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we emotionally prepare for this journey!